How to Motivate your lifestyle

Reflection to increase your motivation.

We all need to feel motivated.  Some of us more than others. 

By breaking things down, into more manageable sections, it helps us to keep focused.  It is the same no matter what you are working on. Health for instance is one area where dealing with smaller areas at a time, can lead to a better overall quality of life.

For example: focus on an area of your health you wish to change.  A typical one, could be the need to eat more healthily.  What could you do each day for just 10 minutes, that could allow you to become more focused on that very thing.

What changes could you make to your daily diet - 10 minutes is a good amount of time for you to be mindful of what you have eaten that day.  

What could you have eaten instead?

What could you have gone without?

What did you notice about those meals?

Where did you eat them?

Were they put together for convenience?

How could you change that?

You can do this over a cup of tea, and scribble your honest thoughts down as you go.

Try being mindful for just 10 mins tomorrow and note the questions above.  It could be the best 10 minutes you give yourself  - try it 


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